Parts listed are ads provided by the seller and all items listed contain contact information to contact directly.

MCI 102A2 parts for sale
20 sets of seats,14 side windows, a/c compressor and condenser, heater blower motor & heater core.
Bought out stock. 71 liners 6v71 new oil coolers, MCI9 under floor heater cores new, MCI 05g 134 A/C compressor new, front drivers evap MCI9, fuel injector 7g75, 7E60, AD2 12v drier caps, 12v marine pumps, 12v engine stop soleniods.
Trany parts. alternators, blower. Blower motors evap & Cond new and some rebuilt, switches all types. My uncle had a bus company. Lots more. I can fax you a copy.
“Greg Schwartz”
 NEW, MCI Door actuator Piston : Price $300.00
email Harry
NEW, A/C fan “squirrel” cage – Fits Models 10/15 and MCI
Price: $70.00
Parts listed are ads provided by the seller and all items listed contain contact information to contact the seller directly.Please visit LISTING PARTS FOR SALE if you have parts you wish to list or PARTS WANTED.
MCI Bus 4-speed transmission  
Richard Bilafer
Daly City, CA 94014
Call Richard 415)822-4887 phone calls or text
Located in
Daly City, California 94014
“Make An Offer” is ok
1974-1977 MC8 Model Bus

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