Listing your Bus
Thank you for choosing SELLABUS.COM which is dedicated to Bus Sales, Conversion Coach sales, and BUS PARTS.
Listings are reasonably priced and you pay no commission on the sale. Just send your description and pictures for your ad; We will review and offer suggestions if needed before it is created.
Your ad will be ready for your approval normally within 24 hours after payment is received. Listings must be paid in advance before we create your ad.
How to list your coach: Listings for your ad should have the following information:
Year, Make, Model, Engine type, transmission type, age, overall condition of the coach. Any other details or enhancement.
Picture submission:
Photos MUST be .jpg, .png, .bmp, or .gif image files and should be a minimum width of at least 500 pixels wide for best image quality in your ad. NO .doc or .pdf files.
Include: Your name, complete address, phone number and email address, we will keep this information private. The ad will only include the information you agree to be listed.
Let us know if you have sold your item in order to update the ad.
Be sure to keep this information current and up to date with us.
Listings: You may use up to 250 words in your Coach description with FOUR(4) photos.
Email description with attached Photos to with SUBJECT: “BUS LISTING”. You may send as many pictures as you wish but the standard listing will have four(4) photos. One exterior coach photo will be placed on the photo index page of your coach.
Listing Fee & Payments: Made by Mailing Check(call or email for details) or using ZELLE.
STANDARD Listings: 4-Pictures and Coach/Bus description for $100.00.
PREMIUM Listings: 8-pictures and description is $150.00.
Parts Listings: 2-Pictures and Description are $50.00.
All Listings will run for until sold.
Call or email for more info.